Huckleberry Finn Synthesis

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Everything should be made so that it is accessible to all. The n-word is a word that many find uncomfortable, as it brings back memories of a dark era in United States history. Many people are so uncomfortable with the word that they completely avoid its use. In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, the n-word is used a staggering 219 times, thus making the book highly controversial. Due to the words excessive use, many people have blacklisted the book, and have lost an opportunity to read an American classic. In order to make this book suitable for all, we should publish the book with the word slave replacing the n-word. We should replace the n-word with the word slave as the n-word makes people feel uncomfortable. The n word has removed an American classic from many reading lists because it is highly controversial. The novel is the fourth most banned book in the United States as many African Americans have denounced the book as racist (Source D). People shouldn't be denied a classic just for the use of a single word. According to Source D, many …show more content…

Without the word, the book will become suitable for all. As mentioned in Source G, the use of the n-word in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has lead to it separation from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, as it sits on the adult section while The Adventures of Tom Sawyer sits on the young adult section. As Source G states, “…they have been separated as they were to have no relationship to each other”. Movie makers don't produce a movie that is rated G, then a year later make the sequel rated R, as this won't attract the previous audience. The two novels were written so that they could be read alongside each other and we should follow Twain's wishes and do so. By replacing the n-word with the word slave, the books would return to set alongside each

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