How did the Renaissance change man's view of man?

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Throughout the course of the Renaissance, man’s view of man drastically evolved for the better. The Renaissance lasted from 1300 to 1600, during this time an advance in creativity as well as thought occurred. The Renaissance, meaning re-birth, was a time to start over after the Medieval Ages. “Man’s view of Man”, refers to how every human evolved in their thoughts in their nature. During this era religion, art, science, technology, and literacy intellectually differed due humanism.

During the Renaissance, the way in which art was portrayed changed. Many people became more confident with the human body and weren’t afraid to portray human characteristics as well as flaws. During the Renaissance painters began using perspective to make things appear three dimensional in their works. Also, they began to sculpt and paint average people living day to day lives. Patrons began financially supporting the arts. For example, wealthy families paid artists to create portraits of them and bought many of their works. Over time, Renaissance art drastically changed into the modern art that w...

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