How did Great Britain Influence and Impact South Africa during Colonization

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After British found out there were much mineral in South Africa, so British decided to fought with Germany, called Boer Battle. After took over Germany, British colonize South Africa for more than fifty years. During these years, South Africa change a lot, especially in Food, language, political system and clothing.

First of all, food has very big changes. Before the Europeans came to South Africa, South Africans even do not often have poultry for meal, they often hunt the wild animals for meal. And traditional African dishes are often based on the staple crop of maize, such as umngqusho in Xhosa cooking, made using dried corn kernels and sugar beans. Even though they had plentiful of fished, they still only eat wild life for meal. But after the Europeans came to South Africa, they not only brought their language, their system but also brought their food civilization. Europeans live with South Africans for more than fifty years and colonize them. So the South Africans must be been impacted by Europeans. So as we now, although South Africans have enough fished or wild life to eat, ...

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