How contrast is used to develop the complication of revenge

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In the play “Hamlet”, Shakespeare uses two characters, Hamlet and Laertes, to develop a recurring theme of revenge. These two characters experience similar emotional suffering, as both of their fathers were murdered. One idea that made the readers question the mentality of these two characters was their motives. Hamlet was hesitant throughout the entire interval of the play to get revenge; which created confusion because Hamlet craved nothing more than revenge, yet he continued putting it off. In contrast to Hamlet’s tentativeness, Laertes, a man who initially did not know who killed his father, was willing to take his anger out on nearly anyone. Throughout the play, Laertes is seen as one who is eager to get to action, a quality often found in heroes, whereas Hamlet, the actual hero of the play, lacks this quality and hesitates to get revenge. In an attempt to portray the difficulty of revenge, Shakespeare uses the different ways Hamlet and Laertes see to their problems.
In this play, revenge does not come easy for Hamlet as his character is overwhelmed by his conscience, which i...

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