How Was The French Revolution Influenced By The American Revolution

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History is filled with moments where civilizations were led by forms of governments that failed to satisfy and protect the people. During the 1750-1900 period, many world regions began to move away from traditional governments and started to embrace modern ideas, such as direct democracy and natural laws. Many of these ideas were presented by Enlightenment philosophers, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Driven by industrialization, many political and social upheavals occurred. In the late 18th century, a sense of revolution established a presence in France and Haiti. Even though they were both influenced by the American Revolution and ideals of Enlightenment, the French and Haitian revolution had vastly different causes and aims, therefore producing different outcomes. …show more content…

In the aftermath of the Haitian revolution, slavery was abolished, making the revolution the first successful slave revolt in the world. The colony had become independent and experienced a greater amount of freedom. Before his execution L’Ouverture produced a constitution that granted equality and citizenship to all residents. In addition, the victory of the Haitian revolution convinced Napoleon that it was strategically wasteful to maintain colonies in the New world. This caused him to sell the United States the Louisiana Purchase which increased the country’s chances at global power. Nonetheless, the country did struggle to maintain independence due to the poor economic systems. Haiti was often plagued with poverty. On the other hand, the French clung to the idea “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” and the establishment of estates was abolished along with last bits of feudalism. However, the French had unstable and changing constitutions/governments. There were many shifts between a constitutional monarchy, a republic, and an

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