How To Write Your Reflection Essay

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I am excited to share with you the contents of my website. This website contains an overview of the progression of my writing throughout the semester. Please take time to read over my sample work and my reflection upon it to date. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy it.
When I say an overview of my progression throughout the semester, I truly mean that. While I began this semester as a proficient writer, I had lost the confidence in my ability that I once had. I worried that I had lost the skillset that I had worked so hard to develop. To give context to the struggle, I must explain that I was required to take a year from academia to complete my service in the Army National Guard. As you can imagine, during that time there was little …show more content…

In this assignment, we were required to write upon a time in the past when we had a significant instance relating to literacy and our life. To convey that instance we had to write the essay in a narrative format. This was not my first time doing this nature of assignment but because this was the first major assignment of the semester I wanted to hit a home run to rebuild some confidence in my writing. I chose a relatively recent epiphany to use as the focus of my narrative. I wrote upon a time in high school when I realized the power of emotion in debate. I was a bit uneasy when I turned it in but upon received Mr. Campbell’s assessment, I felt much better. I have always found narratives to be a relatively simple writing format because it is simply telling a story. This instance was no different as I found the words coming to me very …show more content…

As I mentioned earlier, it was the final project of our inquiry into a topic. My topic was: “Why do consumers buy green?” This was a very interesting topic and the research gave me plenty of new knowledge. I used the narrative inquiry combination of writing to create a scenario of a shopper making observations in a grocery store. From there it would lead to the research portion and I would share information. The writing then returns to the narrative which sets up another instance of inquiry. It ended up working out very well. From the draft to the final product, I was able to use the critiques of my peers and Mr. Campbell to sharpen the focus and clarify the narrative. In the end, I’m very proud that I tried something different. Albeit, I never plan to write another paper in this style, I do believe it enhanced my ability as a

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