How To Write An Essay About The Battle Of Bataan Experience

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During the Second World War a series of events took place. One of them was the Battle of Bataan, which took place in the island of the Philippines. Of those thousands of brave men were given duties to fulfil. The soldiers who participated in this eventful battle suffered from disease, lack of food, torture from Japanese and other challenges due to the terrein. Despite not coming out as victories these Allied soldiers taught America of the most valuable lessons. Soldiers had a job, a traumatic experience, and taught the US a valuable lesson. During the Battle of Bataan those who participated in it had various duties. Filipino volunteers were to ally with the american soldiers and fight against Japan. Their general, General MacArthur had ordered …show more content…

The battle took place in a tropical island, with less than ideal weather conditions. Soldiers had endured choking dustorms, extremely hot temperatures, and unbearable humidity. The jungle also possed other risks snakes, rats, and disease transmitting insects, which killed many troops. The Allied said had seen nothing but slaughter and they were forced to surrender. After surrendering they were taken prisoners and they were forced to march nearly 65 miles from the Bataan Peninsula to San Fernando. During this march soldiers were abused by the Japanese, they would not be allowed food or water and when they fell out of the march they were were beaten with bayonets, forced to stare directly at the sun for hours, and sometimes they would just be beheaded. Seeing all this other soldiers began to fear for their lives. On top of all that many soldiers had to watch their friends die horrific and violent deaths. Those few soldiers who survived the “death march” were taken to prisoner of war camps, where they often died of malaria and starvation. Those who were fortunate enough to have survived the march and the camps were eventually rescued and brought back to America, some of these brave soldiers died soon after, suffered from PTSD, or recovered and resumed normal lives. The Battle of Bataan was one of the goriest battles of WWII and took a toll on thousands of soldiers, but

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