How To Walk A Dog Essay

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Once you know that a dog walking business is right for you, and you have set up the basics of your business (insurance, tax identification and a checking account) the next step is to find some clients. While it is easy to blow of a lot of money on advertising when you are first starting out, there are some tried and true ways to get customers that require very little money.

Word of Mouth

No other form of advertising is going to get you more or better clients that referrals. Small business owners see this over and over and over in their companies. The problem is, when you are starting out, who is going to be making the referrals? The problem is that you don't just have too few customers, but you may have none at all.

The solution is to go get some customers, any customers, even unpaid customers. Start with friends, neighbors and relatives, and just get out there walking dogs. If possible, walk the dogs in public places were you are likely to be seen by other people, especially other dog owners. It may not feel like it, but by being out in public walking dogs, you are actually on a very preliminary interview for dozens of other dog owners. Try to look good, and even if you are having trouble with the dog, be patient, and kind, and polite to the people around you. …show more content…

It is perfectly acceptable to have your free dog walk terms include one free reference call for each free walk. Or, each free walk can include one free referral - so you walk your Aunt Betty's terrier while she's in Palm Springs for a week, and then she goes to her bridge club and sings your praises as a dog walker (and of course you handed her a stack of your business cards

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