How To Think Theologically Analysis

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In an era where wars, terrorism, abortion, human sexuality, and poverty are just a few of the myriad of issues that face a church that feels increasingly under attack, the church is compelled to seek out theological responses to these societal troubles, if it is to remain a voice of hope in anxious times. The church, through faith in Christ believes and knows it has the answer to the problem of the human condition, but often feels unsure and inadequate in how to live and respond within its community. For this reason, professors and authors, Howard W. Stone and James O. Duke have written the book “How To Think Theologically,” which was given as assigned reading as part of the course for “Research and Writing for Theological Studies.” Both writers have authored numerous books and are professors at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University. The authors address their target audience and a central theme of the book when they state, “As theologians we seek …show more content…

By stating to whom I would recommend the book is also a statement as to whom I would not recommend it, and herein lies the books weakness in achieving part of the authors stated purpose. The authors’ state in their introduction to the book they were “hopeful that laypeople and seminarians will find here an orientation to theological reflection that can be put to use right away and built over time.” At times this was a difficult read, which fortunately challenged my thinking and pressed me to read and concentrate on the information I was asked to understand, but this book is required reading for seminary. Many laypeople that I am in contact with would not engage this book for long and this is a point at which the book fails to reach its complete intended

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