How To Save Plutonium Persuasive Essay

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One problem with gallium involves nuclear weapons and pollution. Gallium is used to hold some nuclear bomb pits together. However, when the pits are cut and plutonium powder is formed, the gallium remains in the plutonium. The plutonium then becomes worthless in fuel because the gallium is destructible to several other elements. If the gallium is removed, however, the plutonium then gets it’s worth back again.
The problem is that the process to remove the gallium contributes to a huge amount of pollution of water with radioactive substances. Gallium is an ideal element to use in the bomb pits, but pollution is harmful to the earth and to the health of its people. Even if efforts were taken to remove the pollution from the water, it would considerably increase the costs of the procedure of turning plutonium into a fuel by about 200 million dollars. Scientists are working on another way to clean the plutonium, but it could take centuries to be completed.

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