How To Read Literature For Children

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I was excited to read to the children and define the role as an adult of creating a reading experience for young people. In the Literature for Children book by David Russell, it discusses the adults’ responsibilities as bringing children and books together, giving the children as many different types of literature as possible, encouraging honest and open responses, to challenge children to explore those responses and learn something about themselves, to provide them with the critical language to clearly express their responses, to encourage tolerance, and to encourage mutual understanding. I think its important for me to know these roles because I am approaching the years of adulthood. When I was younger my mother read to me every single night and I believe this was crucial for my development as a child. For my fieldwork work project, I read a few books to my youngest cousin and her friends. I wanted to visit a classroom, however, my hours were unavailable so I contacted my Aunt to set up a time to read a story to my …show more content…

I loved reading this book to the children because it is such a visual book that the children loved to interact and spot out the different things on each page. I allowed this book to be more interactive so on each page I would ask to find more objects on each page. My favorite part of reading this was the children were very excited and would give each other turns to find the objects I would additional ask to be found. This always is a great way to teach colors because when I would ask to “find the red balloon” and this would allow their brain to develop of figuring our colors quicker. I would interact with the children more by asking what do they see on the pages and this allowed them to find more objects and to tell me every thing on the page. This book took a good amount of time because the children were opening up to me more and I was interacting more with the children then I did in The Giving

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