How To Get A Nanny?

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Last year, in my hometown Woodbury, there was an incident where it was discovered that a suburban mom, Lili Huang, had hired a nanny but had been treating her as a slave. When all the police reports were filled out it was discovered that the wife had taken her from China in order for her to be a nanny in America. Her job would be to take care of the family, cook, and clean for about 18 hours a day. She would get paid $850 every month which is equivalent to about two dollars per hour. Even worse the Lili had treated her as an animal as, “the nanny had also been forced to walk on all fours for hours “like a dog” and fed her own hair.” (The Washington Post). She wasn't allowed to leave the house at all nor communicate with the outside world. I …show more content…

She is she is still alive and she’d be a critical source as to what was really going on inside the house when she was still working as a nanny. Questions that I’d ask her would include, why did she take the job in the first place? Did she ever think about calling the cops? I’d also like to know what her daily routine was from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night. I’d also want to interview the Huang children who witnessed what was happening to this nanny. Did it ever occur something was wrong when their mom was treating the nanny like a dog? Could they ever invite their friends over? Did they ever feel bad that the nanny would cook for them, but she herself was being starved to death. In the police report it was discussed that the nanny initially came into the country weighing roughly 120 pounds but when police found her she weighed roughly only 88 pounds. Other interviews would include the Huang’s family neighbors, family, employers, and friends. I would ask them if you ever thought something was out of the ordinary with them; did you expect them to keep a nanny as their personal slave? Lili was only 35 years old, why would she do something like that? Compared to the Laramie Project, this play would not have as many interviews. This isn’t particularly a negative though; one of the downsides of having so many people is that when reading the script it, it’s easy to get the

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