How To Escape Alcatraz Prison

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June 11, 1962, Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary was known for being the most secure prison. It was declared inescapable during its years of operation from 1934 to 1963. Located on a rocky island in the middle of the swift, icy currents of San Francisco Bay, until late June of 1962, no one had ever successfully escaped the island. However on June 11, three Alcatraz inmates were able to successfully escape the Alcatraz island prison. They managed to escape their cells through tricking the guards. The guards were tricked when the men created dummies with heads made of plaster and hair clippings to escape, they were able to get off the island, but to get to shore they had to make a makeshift raft out of rain coats, and a paddle made out of wood from the prison workshop. Even after 50 years, they were never seen again, and as a result, some people feel that the three men perished in the ice cold water. While others believe that they were the only inmates to ever successfully escape the island alive. Frank Morris, John Anglin, and Clarence Anglin were the only men to successfully escape Alcatraz. The night of escape was perfect, with clear skies and very slow tides; Mythbusters were able to recreate the escape, and John Anglin and his brother …show more content…

After they got out of their cells, the skies were clear with no sign of fog. In addition, the tides of San Francisco Bay were much slower than normal. About 11:00/12:00 p.m. was the time the three men escaped their cells. At this time, the wind was blowing west at the speed of 10 m.p.h. The location they were trying to reach was northwest of the island. The visibility for the day was an average of twelve miles, which means they could have seen twelve miles in front of themselves. It was an evening just like that one when the Mythbusters were able to recreate the escape successfully, the same way Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin

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