How To Classify Wood As A Wood?

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Wood is a biological material that, when in the tree, contains large amounts of water. As wood dries to a moisture content (MC) in equilibrium with its in-use environment, many of its properties and characteristics change. Classifying wood as either a hardwood or softwood comes down to its physical structure and makeup, and so it is overly simple to think of hardwoods as being hard and durable compared to soft and workable softwoods. The hardwood are comes from angiosperm trees that are not monocots. Trees are usually broad-leaved. Has vessel elements that transport water throughout the wood under a microscope, these elements appear as pores. While, the softwood are comes from gymnosperm trees which usually have needles and cones. Medullary rays and tracheid transport water and produce sap. When viewed under a microscope, softwoods have no visible pores because of tracheid. We choose the dried lumber as our specific material. The dried lumber has several types. There are Kiln Dried, Kiln Dried and Heat Treated, Tru-Dry, Green Heat Treated, Surface Dry and Air Dry. Most water in the cut tree must be …show more content…

This wood is dried in a Radio Frequency Vacuum (RFV) kiln. The radio frequency vacuum kilns also have a compressive loading system which applies 250,000 lbs. of pressure on the charge throughout the drying cycle. This helps maintain straightness and squareness throughout and after the process ensuring the highest quality lumber. The Tru-Dry timbers perfect for structural and architectural applications in timber frame houses, resorts, lodges and any other project that requires timbers to remain straight, stable and beautiful for years to come. While other drying methods only remove surface moisture, Tru-Dry timbers are dried to an average of 19% to their

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