How To Avoid Texting And Driving Essay

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Texting and driving is not safe and it puts oneself and others in danger. Texting while driving should be illegal. It has become a social norm and it needs to be stopped. When people text and drive, it distracts them from the road causing accidents, death and an increase in insurance. When texting and driving, people do not have their full attention on the road, leading to accidents. There are already many things distracting drivers such as the radio, other cars, people, etc. A driver being on their phone on top of every other distraction will make it more likely for an accident to occur. When drivers who were involved in an accident are asked what caused the accident most say they were on their phones. Something like this could be avoided by just simply putting the phone down. Many deaths in the U.S. are caused because of They believe they can multitask and say looking up from their phones every couple of seconds is enough. Although this has worked for many people thus far, it is not okay to put their life or anyone else at risk. In those couple of seconds a person could lose their life. There was a 16 year old girl who was charged with manslaughter after accidentally killing a women because she was texting and driving. The young girl was allegedly texting when she lost control of her vehicle and collided with a car killing the driver. There are many ways texting while driving could be stopped. If caught, one will get arrested and must stay a night in jail. After doing their time they must attend a class where they talk about the dangers of texting while driving and have a speaker who went through it such as a victim or the one at fault. Another way this could be managed it have a plan already installed in phones that does not allow a person to go through their phones unless the car has completely stopped or turned off. Texting while driving is not safe and should not be

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