How To Achieve The American Dream Essay

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The American Dream The American dream is a concept people travel from far and wide to discover, but what they may not know is how hard it is to actually achieve this reality. The Cambridge Dictionary defines the American Dream to be “The belief that everyone in the US has the chance to be successful and happy if they work hard.” This dream is a concept most Americans have on their mind each and every day, it is foundation is about working hard to become successful, owning a house, and pursuing happiness. The American dream is a little different for everyone, we do not all have the same ambitions. Many Americans that were born here in the states, will have different perceptions and hopes, than new immigrants coming for a better life in hopes to achieve the American dream. This iconic symbolism of the perfect life, is not just handed out, there are numerous struggles to achieve this idea. For instance, immigrants who are trying to become a citizen, face countless struggles in applying and meeting certain eligibility requirements to obtain citizenship. This process could take anywhere from 6 months to a year according to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. This is just one of many struggles to obtain the American dream. In the current day jobs in America are just not matching the cost …show more content…

Where you come from has a lot to do with what version of the American Dream, you believe in. Today, a lot of people would settle for what works for their family, maybe not the Stories of the American Dream our Parents grew up with. Today we are a different culture, and we have different beliefs. As long as you can take care of your family, you could be living a version of the American Dream. A lot of people believe that the more money you make, the easier the dream is to achieve. But if everyone was able to provide a happy life for their family, I think then they have achieved the American

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