How Shakespeare Uses Language to Explain Othello's Character in Act III Scene III

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How Shakespeare Uses Language to Explain Othello's Character in Act III Scene III

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the factors that effect

Othello's change in attitude towards Desdemona in Act III Scene III.

It will also discuss the feelings towards race and marriage in the

Shakespearian era. I will focus on Iago's use of language in order to

manipulate Othello.

In Shakespeare's time the attitudes towards marriage and affairs were

very different to rules and regulations nowadays. Men were thought of

very differently to women and were treated as a higher class. It was

known for women to have other men besides their set husband during a

marriage but is was not common and harshly dealt with, whereas the

affairs of men were mostly overlooked, however unjust or unfair. The

Christian teaching reflected heavily in the lifestyles of the married.

Marriage was for reproduction, regulation of sexual activity and for

mutual comfort and support. Men also married, not for love, but for

property and money. The joining of Othello and Desdemona was unique

because it was solely for love. Desdemona's father, Brabantio was

oblivious of the blossoming relationship between his daughter and

Othello. The marriage between Othello and Desdemona is very different

to the stereotypical marriage of that time because Desdemona did not

act as the inferior wife. She did ask for permission to do what she

wanted until the end when she was worried for her husband as he began

to turn his anger upon her. While she was acting as Cassio's

"solicitor"line 27 act III scene III,

She begins to hassle Othello about re-instating Cassio as lieutenant,

which would be...

... middle of paper ...

...comes more devious and sly

by the minute, yet the audience rather admire his technique and

reluctance to let go and give up. His plan works right through until

the end until Emilia realises what she has been oblivious to during

the play. Othello even stabs him at the end in a last brutal attempt

to take revenge on the man who wrecked his life. The audience feel

shocked but great respect at his determination.

This essay has discussed Act III Scene III and has broken it down to

reveal and explains the incredible use of language by Shakespeare.

Although the true story was written by Giambaltista Cinzio Giraldi in

1565. During this scene we witness a complete change in atmosphere and

the characters behaviour as Othello begins to doubt and fear

everything he once trusted. Iago drives hi mad with jealousy and


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