How Necessary Is A College Education? By Shannon Doyne

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My third source is titled “How Necessary Is a College Education?” by Shannon Doyne. To receive a college education and obtain a college degree is something that everyone dreams about and expects to achieve, especially in today’s day and age. But a major concern for many young people today is the rising tuition and high unemployment rates for recent graduates. That leaves us with the question, is college a necessity or a luxury? Bruni, in the op-ed piece “The Imperiled Promise of College,” writes “For a long time and for a lot of us, “college” was more or less a synonym for success.” If you had a college degree, it basically meant you could find a career. College was quite accessible too. If you had the right motivation, you could go to college to achieve the American Dream and be given access to social mobility. But it’s different today. College is a considered a luxury today with uncertain returns. Even though college graduates are receiving the higher paying jobs on the spectrum and have an unemployment rate half that of people with only high school degrees, it doesn’t factor in many statistics such as the Americans who got their diplomas and entered the job market decades ago. This means that recent college graduates today have only a marginal advantage over non-college graduates in terms of receiving higher paying jobs and being more employed. Nowadays, college graduates don’t have as high of a leg up on their less educated counterparts. In a survey, 53.6 percent of graduates under the age of 25 …show more content…

Similar to the sources above, this article merely provides us with some data and opinions on the topic and leaves the audience to decide for themselves. This article is reliable. It is written and edited by Shannon Doyne for The New York Times. It also provides the reader with a couple of data points. The general points about this topic allows the reader to make his or her own

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