How Native American Women Are Victims

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I think its important to keep all of this in mind when looking at how Native American women are victims in this vicious cycle. For example for a Native American women she has to keep in mind that statistically she already is more likely to be a victim of abuse. If the abuse does happen it is very difficult for her to speak out, the resources as we have seen are not there. Even if they are the offenders are usually not held accountable for their actions. Law enforcement, have a difficult time trying to charge the offenders because of the different regulations under Native and Federal law. The victims face a constant problem of feeling ashamed for speaking out and being a victim of rape or abuse. This explains to us, why so many cases go under hiding or never come to light. As I have previously said in my last essay, in the example of my mother it is extremely difficult for her to speak about the abuse she suffered in her previous relationship. Which is why I understand the difficulty these women have in speaking out against their offender or about what happened to them. The fact that there is no guarantee that their offender will be held accountable makes it worst, it can make the victim have seconds thoughts about speaking out when they are not sure if anything will be done about it. One must keep into consideration that these women are not alone and there are programs to help them heal from such traumatic experiences. One such program is the Strong Hearted Native Women’s coalition, it was founded in 2005 to assist in the change needed to reduce sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, stalking to Native American women, their families and community. The goal of this organization is to raise awareness, educate and pr... ... middle of paper ... ... had to go through. I will then go into my actual research, my experience working in the programs of Child Abuse Treatment Program and the Family Preservation Program. Lastly I will add, what knowledge I gained from working in these programs and how to get involved. I will say how anyone looking into working in this program can always use me as a resource and can ask me how to volunteer. This way I am also a resource and not only an advocate. The brochure will have the same information as the presentation, just in more understandable language, and it will be more artistic. This way I can use the brochure to present the issue among children and teenagers, without boring them with a presentation. Ultimately my goal is to promote awareness, I know I won’t be able to reach everyone, but I still want to try and make a difference in someones life if I can and I am able to.

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