How My Writing Has Changed

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My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my knowledge of writing has improved.

Aspects of My Writing during High School

During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple journals, research papers, and a single term paper. During high school, I was laid back and procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term paper my senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just to get the grade and the paper finished. I spent time on the paper and my grade, a B+, reflected my efforts. My resources were limited and the topic covered a subject that I did not find interesting at all. When I find something interesting to write about, that is when I can do my best work. When I wrote my term paper, I was not interested in the subject of the paper. I started looking up the information and successfully wrote the paper.

When I wrote many of my papers, I tried to be as organized as possible. Writing research papers always seems to give me problems. My greatest weakness is going to the library and finding the right information to write a paper. When I write a paper, I always construct an outline or thesis. It is easier for me to think about ideas and then write about them. Starting on a paper from scratch without an outline or thesis gives me problems because then I mumble on about the same information. I have learned to read the information over and over again to be sure it is correct and in order. I do not wan to get at shocking gra...

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... to pursue it and live a successful healthy life.

My educational goals are important to me. My goals are to come out of English 100 and be able to write any kind of memo, document, or resume; because I know someday every one of these writing projects will become useful.

I did not come here to get average grades; I came here to get the best grades possible. Even if some of my work does not show the best qualities sometimes, I am still trying my hardest. Other goals I have deal with this English class. I am hoping to learn from you how to write memos, which I am doing now, and also learn to write to others possibly for jobs or something else of importance. I do not want to waste my money over the next four years, so I am going to study and write all my papers the best I can. I am very excited to be here at BVU and I will make my time here worth while.

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