My Life Research Paper

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As I reflect on my life up to now I can see all the twists and turns that have inevitably brought me to where I am today. I grew up in Saint Paul, MN in many different lower class neighborhoods and apartments. I remember feeling like I was never in the right place at the right time. I was always experiencing the same cycle of disappointment; moving again and leaving behind the friends I never truly got to make. This began to create a loathsome feeling towards myself and my life. Moving again; okay then, who am I when we get there. In all honesty I ask this to the ghost of my past self; because I simply do not know anymore. Soon thereafter my parents split up and I could feel their discord; like vibrations of hate upon snapping wires. They …show more content…

Every day is still a struggle, though I find I am able to manage it much more gracefully than in years past. I find now that I have been given something good; I have been given gift of HOPE. My hope is what keeps me going, like fuel for my heart. It drives me to become a better person and keeps me fighting for a joyous life. In recent time I moved from Saint Paul to Bena, MN to live with my father. I decided I would begin the prospect of attending the Leech Lake Tribal College. I was accepted to attend and I could not have been more excited to start my education again. I am currently going for my Associate of Applied Science Degree in Business management. I would like to become involved in Human Resources and work with people in an environment where I can create positivity. Possibly becoming a programs director; where I can create and manage enriching enterprises for native youth in community funded programs or centers. I am not an enrolled member myself, though my father is. I have spent many summers here visiting with my father’s family in Bena, MN and have learned of the wonderful nature of their Anishinaabe culture. I hope to learn more about it and seek to understand it and respect it as a descendant of the Chippewa. When I look at the seven Anishinaabe Values; it inspires me to be kinder and to seek wisdom more often. These values are so thoughtful and admirable; I wish I could emulate them in my daily life more freely and without

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