How Many Siblings Does Loung Have? What Are Their Name?

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Section 1 Questions
Chapters 1-4, pages 1-27

Knowledge Question: How many siblings does Loung have? What are their names?
Answer: Loung has a total of six siblings; three brothers and three sisters. Their names from oldest to youngest are: Meng, Khouy, Keav, Kim, Chou, Geak.
Comprehension Question: Explain in your own words why adults call Loung ugly?
Answer: Adults call Loung ugly because it is believed that a monster will take a child to a horrible place if the child receives too much attention.
Application Question: With what you have read in chapters 1-3, how would you try and help the homeless and poor people in Cambodia.
Loung describes many people on the streets begging for food, or money and children running naked through the streets attempting to do the same thing. I would try to start some sort of non-profit organization to help people out when they need it. Cambodia also needs more unskilled jobs in order for people to come out of poverty. Making it mandatory for children to go to school would also help the children that come from poorer family’s come out of poverty when they grow up. Even going to school a few days a week would help.
Analysis Question: Compare the ways that Ma and Pa view Loung.
Answer: Ma views Loung as troublesome and un-lady like. Ma also continuously compares Loung to her siblings, and she wishes that Loung would simply sit still, not ask questions and grow up quickly. Pa on the other hand encourages Loung to be herself, ask questions and to act her age. Pa is quoted “Loung is too smart and clever for people to understand.”
Synthesis Question: Write a diary entry from Loung’s point of view as they are leaving the city.
Dear Diary,
I don’t know what is happening, the soldiers are scream...

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..., eat pretty well, stay in uncle’s hut, and keep to themselves.
Anlungthmor Village – small hut raised three feet off the ground, bamboo leaves and straw for walls and roof, entire family sleeps underneath mosquito net in the hut, grows food in back of the hut to supplement rations, Khmer Rouge soldiers patrolling, Pa and the two oldest boys work from dawn to dusk, eventually, Meng, Khouy and other young men leave for three days a week to find food to ration to the village, flooding.
Ro Leap – everyone wears the same clothes and has the same haircut to show that everyone is equal, different names for mother and father must be used, communal system, everything belongs to the Angkar, everyone works even children, Kim works for the Chiefs sons; he is beaten by these so called friends but he gets to bring home their leftovers.
Synthesis question:
Evaluation question:

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