How Is Napoleon Corrupted By Power In Animal Farm

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Napoleon is corrupted by power because he is clouded with his new sovereignty. With the new power he has now gained he has become a dictator. Before Mr.Jones had left the animals had thought that he was a horrible caretaker and wanted him to leave the farm, but after Napoleon had come to rule they now regret their decision. Before Napoleon was the leader of Animal Farm snowball was in charge and he was a great leader all the animals have loved him but salmon Napoleon had him killed by the dogs and Napoleon became leader. It is clear that Napoleon has no good intention when he becomes the leader and starts to run the farm. He puts up rules and in the beginning all of the animals thought that he was going to be able to turn the farm into a good direction, but as the power goes to his head he soon goes power crazy and becomes a dictator. After Old Major dies you can see that all he wants to do is control the farm. After he died SNowball was put in charge because he had the same beliefs as Old Major, but Napoleon had the dogs on his side which soon then turned on Snowball thus killing him and making Napoleon the farm leader. He's also very manipulative and gets what he wants. “ all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than …show more content…

You're also able to see him becoming a dictator. “ throughout the spring and summer they working 60 hour week, and in August Napoleon announces that there would be working on Sunday afternoons as well. This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half”(Orwell 6.2). When he first got to power he said that the animals would not work as hard, but they have worked harder done with Mr. Jones. They are even threatened to be senseless if they do not voluntarily work the fields. The second time is when he stops the rebellion by cutting the food rations which causes a lot of hens to

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