How Is Gigi's Future Depicted To Her By Her Family?

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How is Gigi's future depicted to her by her family? Gigi takes lessons from her Aunt Alicia in order to be turned into a courtesan. However, she does not know the lessons are to turn her into a courtesan. They want her to be with Gaston for his money as a courtesan by continuing the line of courtesans in the family. How does Colette show us Gigi's feelings for Gaston? In the beginning when Gaston and Gigi are together, such as when they went to Paris they had a marvelous time and were head over heels for eachother. But towards the end of the novel Gigi she becomes aware of Gaston’s reputation and will probably be thrown out of the picture when another woman comes along for Gaston to spoil. Therefore, she ends up rejecting Gaston’s offer. Unfortunately, Gaston reaches out to Gigi and they meet and she claims that she rather be unhappy with him instead of without him. Gaston ends up proposing to Gigi and she says yes. …show more content…

Since this is a lover story. Therefore, Colette want’s to make us go on a emotional rollercoaster trying to figure out if they are going to end up together or not by making the readers originally think their relationship was over until Gaston came back for Gigi and they had their happy rom-com ending. Is this a happy ending? A happier ending? Depends on if you are on Gaston’s side or Gigi’s. Personally I am upset that Gigi eventually ended up doing what her Aunt Alicia and Madame Alvarez wanted for her. She should have left Gaston and pursued an actual career such as, a secretary or working in a factory. Gigi should not have to be under the constant pressure of maintaining this lifestyle her family and society wants for her by doing whatever Gaston want’s. The happy ending would be Gigi leaving Gaston, but for real this time. What is this text saying about women and femininity? women and

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