How Is Blanche Dubois A Dynamic

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Blanche Dubois is a dynamic character that at first, is very difficult to figure out. She hides behind confusing stories and lies to protect herself from her traumatic past. In the begin of the play William’s leaves multiple clues to Blanche’s lying nature. She tells a strange tale of Bella Rev and challenges Stanley every chance she gets. She has many odd actions however I believe that these action, particularly her interactions with the newspaper boy and her fear of the light have a deeper meaning. At the end of the play she is unable to deal with the mess she has made and as a result her subconscious takes over. She can no longer deal with the crumbling remains of her life and no one else can either. As a result, she is institutionalized at the end of the play. But her institutionalization and lies don’t make her a bad person. One needs to look at the motive behind her lies and actions to disover the truth. Using Lies for Protection: The Story of Blanche Dubois …show more content…

A down on her luck schoolteacher, she goes to visit her sister and for the summer. At first all of Blanche’s strange mannerisms can simply be written off as nerves devoted to meeting her sister’s husband in a strange unsettling flat. It isn’t until after we learn of the sudden suicide of her husband, that her behavior begins to click into place. As the story progresses she is slowly seen as insane by everyone else.However I am under the belief that Blache isn’t as dysfunctional as everyone thinks she is. I believe in Tennessee Williams's most famous work A Streetcar Named Desire the off center character of Blanche Dubois is not a simply “crazy” manipulative person. She uses her actions and words as a defense mechanism to deal with the trauma of her life. Just because many characters do not understand her motives, this doesn’t mean that she’s an evil, vile

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