How Is Atticus Finch Noble

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To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird is an outstanding novel packed tight with numerous noble characters. A perfect example of one of those characters is Atticus Finch. This is because Atticus Finch is known for his many amazingly admirable traits, such as being honorable, humble, and wise. Overall, Atticus Finch is the most noble character in To Kill a Mockingbird and shall be remembered forever. The first example of a trait that makes Atticus Finch such a noble character is how absolutely honorable he is. You see, all throughout the novel he is the only character who always keeps his honor intact no matter what. For instance, he took a case in two court where he was required to defend a black man by the name of …show more content…

For the first example when Atticus exhibits this trait was when he was asked by the county's sheriff to kill a mad dog and was called by his old nickname “One Shot Atticus” he did not becone cocky or arrogant. In fact he seemed rather ashamed of that nickname. Since, Jem (one of Atticus's kids) realized this he told Scout (Jem's younger sister) not to go around school bragging about it and Scout reluctantly agreed. Plus, another time in To Kill a Mockingbird where Atticus Finch demonstrated how humble he was, is when the black townsfolk came to him with plenty of food and treats (which were uncommon and not plentiful in Macomb) in order to show their repeat and appreciation for what Atticus did in court to defend Tom Robinson. These gifts literally brought Atticus to tears because of how greatful and humble he was. He even said to them “time's are too hard” because he knew how poor they were and how they could not afford to do what they did for him. These are only some of many examples where Atticus Finch demonstrates how turkey humble he

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