How I Became Hettie Cohen: A Well-Known Poet

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Hettie Cohen grew up in a Jewish home in Queens, New York. She was married to LeRoi Jones, a black poet. There were a lot of pressures from the blacks to end their marriage. Through out How I Became Hettie Jones, she explains what she went through and how she coped with the violence and prejudice against her relationship with her husband. As you read the book it feels as if she is talking directly to you. She writes about her struggle to find herself. In the 1950’s women were not outspoken and she lived in the shadow of her husband. Hettie Jones wanted to become her own person and follow her own desires. She said, “Unlike any woman in my family or anyone I'd ever actually known, I was going to become—something, anything, whatever that meant.” …show more content…

They formed an intimate relationship and they moved in together. Hettie and LeRoi lived a bohemian lifestyle. Together, they created there own magazine called Yugen. Hettie got no credit for any of it. LeRoi was the only one recognized for both of their doings. LeRoi began to become a well-known poet. His main support was from his wife, Hettie. She went out to work just so he can stay home and write. The couple attended many jazz performances where the top jazz musicians performed. They went against their parent’s wishes and decided to get married after becoming pregnant for the second time. They experienced prejudice and violence against them and their marriage. When their daughters were born they had to protect them from everyone that was against their relationship. As LeRoi’s career began to grow and when he became more involved in the Black Nationalist movement he distanced himself from his family. He left them all alone and moved out of the house. He changed his name and continued to have a prosperous

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