How Hannah Baker's Life Changed In Thirteen Reasons Why

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Time travel is a theory that has been mentioned in movies for decades. In those movies, even the tiniest change can affect the future. Even though time travel movies are categorized as science fiction, the idea of changing one aspect of the past resulting in major repercussions in the future is possible. Take Steve Jobs as an example. He dropped out of Reed College and created the Macintosh computer. This inspired him to start his company, Apple, today almost all of the products we use are made by Apple -- but what if Steve Jobs had not dropped out? He probably would not have started Apple, and we would not have the devices we do today. In the book Thirteen Reasons Why, Hannah Baker’s life was changed by three details. Hannah’s change in self-identity, …show more content…

Porter and Hannah called the “snowball effect.” The “snowball effect” was described as what occurred when a chain reaction was set off by a significant event, causing each event followed it to intensify until became catastrophic. Hannah blamed Justin Foley for starting this; but, if she had not moved to begin with, Hannah would not have met Justin. Everyone thinking Hannah was “easy” changed her personality and the way she felt about herself, which led to her committing suicide. If Hannah had not moved to a new town in the first place she would not have had self-doubt. The personality of a character comes into question when thinking about the past like we do in, Thirteen Reasons Why. In each tape, Hannah described the personality and actions of those who hurt her. The damage was especially severe since she was new in town and vulnerable. This made her trusting of Justin, Jessica, Alex, and others featured on the tapes. But when she was betrayed by them she started shutting everyone around her out. People who could have helped her and prevent her suicide, like Clay. The whole situation could have been avoided if Justin had not betrayed Hannah. If Hannah had trusted Clay her suicide could

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