How Golf Changed My Life

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From the stories I was told it was a hot day in June. A day that was before I was born. A day that because of my grandparents decision would forever change my life. The decision was made after my grandfather had gotten into a car accident and was not able to go back to working a normal job. It was the day that will forever been known as the day that my grandparents decided to purchase a golf course. My grandparents buying the golf course helped shape me into the person I am today because I tried new things, learned about the food and customer industries, and learned to expand a companys horizons. Golf isn’t really a common sport that young people play. I was never into playing golf when I was younger, I was more into sports like soccer and basketball. Even though my grandparents have a golf course I wasn’t into trying to learn how to play. It seemed weird to me all the rules for play golf and that you have to get the lowest score unlike most sports where the highest score wins. But after being around the golf course more and more I decided to give it a try. Now I play a round of golf every time I go over. …show more content…

Attached to the golf course was a little restaurant that my grandmother would work at. She is the chef and makes all the food and the specials for that week. Over the years she has taught me a lot about cooking. However, she never started on teaching me cooking she made me work my way up if I wanted to get a full spectrum of the food industry starting from the bottom. So, I started washing the dishes. Now because of my grandma I can actually cook which will be helpful not only if I would work for a food company but also in my personal life. When I want to cook something for me and my family someday I will be able to do that thanks to my

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