How Far Should Government Be Involved In Monitoring The Internet

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"In the year 2018, the Internet has now reached a global scale of immense proportions; just in the United States, it is now in almost 99% of our homes. Thus, this influence raises the question, how far should the government be involved in monitoring the internet? With the most recent Net Neutrality issue, the government has now become tangled with constant debate about free market. However, because of society’s personal involvement with the network, it is my firm belief that the government should be involved to some minimal degree when it comes to protecting the people’s privacy.
Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace are websites which people use to communicate; thus, if the government was to become too involved with limiting Net Neutrality; it would be like impeding Speech and Privacy provided in the Bill of Rights. With this in mind, since the government (on all levels) already guarantees protection of these rights, it should also be allowed to monitor them online. In fact, according to the 14th amendment‚Äôs equal protection clause, ‚ÄúNo state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States‚Äù; the government should be involved with protecting these rights even online. …show more content…

Georgia that the State does not have a right to tell people what to do in their home. As a result, the Internet should be the same; since people access the network privately it makes sense that the government should protect the privacy of those using it. Current Regulations such as: “The Federal Trade Commission Act”, and “The Financial Services Modernization Act”, which are already applicable online should be enforced by the federal government should be upheld as well as the other already existing

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