How Does Winston Predict The Future

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Have you ever tried to predict the future? In the novel 1984, by George Orwell, Winston Smith is a not sane person. This novel is Orwell’s guess on the future. He thinks that there will be one person in charge. That person is known as Big Brother. Winston is considered to be a not normal person in Oceania. Winston has a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the story. Winston loves Big Brother at one point and hates him at another. Winston’s love for Big Brother changes throughout the whole novel.
In the beginning, Winston hates Big Brother. Big Brother is the head of everyone, he is the president of Oceania. One reason Winston hates Big Brother is because of 2-minute hate. 2-minute hate is a session that the government, also known as The Party, …show more content…

When Big Brother changed history he decided to brainwash everyone to believe what the changed history said. To get Winston back to the reality of Oceania, a party member named O’brien, brain washed Winston. Winston screamed, “‘Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don’t care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia!’” ( Orwell 284) Winston said this as O’ Brien brought out rats in Room 101. The room where everyone deals with their biggest fear. Winston was in this room to be turned against his secret girlfriend. He had to keep Julia a secret because in Oceania you get married just so you can have kids. You don’t get to divorce your husband or wife after you are done having kids you just separate. Winston had separated from his wife and felt close to Julia. He still didn’t love her enough to take his biggest fear to save her. After Winston screamed to O’brien, he was then brainwashed. All of his memories were taken away and he was completely lost. Slowly he was reminded of the memories that The Party wanted him to know. Winston didn’t know how he really felt about Big Brother at this point because he only was reminded of the good things. Winston said, “ you couldn’t. You couldn’t! It’s impossible. (Orwell 284) Winston said this to O’brien after he was told that to The Party 2+2=5. In Winston’s brain 2+2 could only ever equal four. Winston could not wrap his …show more content…

After being brainwashed by O’brien Winston was still fighting about 2+2=4. The way to get WInston to stop complaining he used a torture technique. The more Winston rebelled the more pain he had to go through. Winston really liked Big Brother at this point do to the fact that O’brien was the one making him go through the pain. O’brien is also the person that set Winston up in the first place to make him be at this point. After being released from the Ministry of love, the place where Room 101 was, Winston realized Big Brother did this all for a reason. Orwell states “ Two gin scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose bit it was all right, everything was all right. The struggle was finished. ( Orwell 298) Winston was sitting at a bar when this happened. He was sitting there thinking about all his life choices when he thought about the reasons why Big Brother does this. Big Brother set up Oceania to be a safe place where no one would feel different. It was created to make people all the same so no one will be judged. He did this for the people not for himself. Orwell wrote, “ He loved Big Brother.” (Orwell 298) This was stated because Winston finally figured out the purpose of Oceania. He figured out why the world fell how it did. He realized why he was set up and put in to pain. He finally saw that he was normal and not different at

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