How Does Willie Jay Influence Vulnerable People

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Although Willie Jay and Dick have contrasting morals, Capote displays how impressionable Perry is; therefore, Capote proves the importance of positive influence upon vulnerable people. To establish the idea of an impressionable Perry, Capote needs an example of Perry conforming to Dick’s values. This opportunity arises when Dick questions the validity of Perry’s past killing. Perry has described that he had, “picked up this bike chain… hit him across the face… kept right on… left him there” (Capote 112). Vulnerability is exemplified by Perry’s anecdote, because he, “was not a gifted liar, or a prolific one” heavily implying that Perry has not killed before the recent murders (Capote 112). Capote’s inclusion of this fallacious anecdote reveals the truth about Perry’s moral obligations, namely that he has none. Perry simply grasps the moral values which appear closest at hand and clings on to them for dear life. In this case Perry’s true morals are synthesized into Dick’s, proving how evil can infest mentally defenseless people. …show more content…

Enter Willie Jay, the man of god, who has the potential to change Perry’s life for the better. Willie Jay has stated of Perry that he currently exists, “in a half-world suspended between two superstructures, one self-expression and the other self-destruction” (Capote 43). Perry is on his way to seek out Willie Jay and his spiritual words of wisdom, right before Dick intercepts him, displaying his moral malleability. Capote once again has conscientiously amplified Perry’s capability to change based on others values. Furthermore, reprehensible values others may offer have the potential to validate Perry and others who are equally

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