How Does Water Affect The Everglades

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The Everglades National Park is one of Florida’s most well known features. Well known by some as a sanctuary, yet, for others, it is known for being polluted and drained. It’s water is damaged, it’s ecosystem is not in good shape, and there are many different plans to fix it. America needs to turn The Everglades back to the sanctuary so many people know it for. The water in The Everglades has been tampered with by humans for many decades. First the plan was to “drain to make land more agriculture-ready,” (as stated in Source 3). This was done to help the farmland for the new settlers coming near The Everglades. Yet one of the main problems in replenishing the water supply was the extreme time, cost, and effort into this monumental job. Also, quite a few people had to use the Everglades as there water supply, and even though it was polluted with phosphorous, mercury, and other hazardous …show more content…

“When a fragile ecosystem like the
Everglades undergoes even a small change like a particularly rainy storm or a short term lapse in rainfall, the repercussions can be huge,” (Source 2) meaning the entire ecosystem can be effected much worse, and for the people living there, things could worsen too much to handle. Already, the ecosystem faces less fresh water , since construction stopped the flow. It used to be home to many endangered and exotic species, but now that isn’t there home anymore. The Everglades has been damaged a long time ago, but since then, many people have been trying to preserve the park. “A settlement between Florida’s governor, the Obama Administration, and the sugar industry has led to The Everglades Restoration Act,” (Source 3) and this act is eventually going to help the Everglades recover from such a low point. Many others, such as the U.S. Corps of Engineering, and the South Florida Water Management District, have been pitching in to restore the Everglades into what it was before we got

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