How Does St. Basil Refute The Dignity Of The Trinity?

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St. Basil’s On the Holy Spirit is evidently written to refute several arguments that are dangerous to the sound doctrine of the Church mainly on the Trinity. The arguments attempt to diminish the dignity of the Trinity. St. Basil clearly makes this point to his readers by stating that, “I testify to every man who is confessing Christ and denying God, that Christ will profit him nothing…every man that calls upon God but rejects the Son, that his faith is vain; to every man that sets aside the Spirit, that his faith in the Father and the Son will be useless.” (441). By using this framework he continues to refute several arguments in order to show the relation of the Three persons of the Trinity to each other and their true dignity and value. St. Basil’s first task is to refute the heretics who wish to use small and petty words in order to subordinate the Son and/or the Spirit to a lower position of dignity to the Father. While in the grand …show more content…

Basil offers great rebuttals to several objection on many matters as it relates to the Holy Trinity. There are no shortage of objections as well as successful and convincing counterarguments. It is St. Basil’s goal to preserve the faith and salvific work of the Trinity and in order to do so he must combat several arguments that intend to confuse the reader and lead one astray. The three persons of the Trinity are proven to be equal in dignity, will, and power with one another. While their functions may differ, it would be reckless and hazardous assume that they are otherwise different in nature. No terms or trickery, used by his opponents, whether in language or twisted scriptural examples continue to stand as he courageously refutes that the three hypostases are equal with one another and necessary for the doctrine, faith, and salvation of humanity to be complete. If anyone attempts to falsify this truth they are incapable of having a true understanding and relationship with the Trinitarian

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