How Does Social Media Affect Canada

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Another way that social media impacts the political dialogue that happens in Canada is simply through information. People who use social media are notably far more likely to be aware and informed about important issues (Borgida & Stark, 2004). This shows that many people who have eschewed mainstream television based news are still getting information; they are just getting it from social media channels instead. This has obvious advantages and obvious disadvantages as well. By providing people with information it theoretically leads to a more informed public, with the average voter knowing more about politics and being able to make a better informed decision as a result. I was privileged to work on the Leader’s Tour of the Liberal Party of …show more content…

One can reach a very large target audience without having to go door to door, without having to engage in grassroots campaigns, and without having to learn public speaking. There are a lot of advantages to this, giving people with speech impediments and other disabilities the opportunity to communicate their points and to earn fans and followers through their work. As was elucidated in a previous section, this often results in niche groups being able to gain popularity as well. Even if a group has limited potential, it could likely receive ten or twenty thousand followers who believe in similar things. This is significant, as that amount of people is likely enough to spread the message and perhaps impact policy in the …show more content…

255-256). Future elections will be decided in a similar manner, with candidates who have the most sophisticated use of social media having a distinct advantage over all others. This is simply because contemporary society puts much more value on social media; as more and more people are gaining their voting information directly from Twitter and Facebook it makes sense that the candidate and his or her activists who have the most sophisticated approach will spread information the best. Therefore, social media activism is apparently extremely important, as it can determine who wins presidential elections and other political sphere decisions. Social media activism in Canada clearly has a very important point, it raises activism and awareness about important issues, which can change the course of history. Especially in this election where all parties are spending tons of their budgeted money on social media in advertising and staff salaries. Almost every local campaign, has a social media team that works day and night to deliver to the ‘virtual’ public the messaging that has been agreed upon through various meetings and

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