How Does Rossetti Use Religious Imagery In Goblin Market And Good Friday?

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How does Rossetti use religious imagery in Goblin Market and Good Friday?

Rossetti uses religious imagery in Goblin Market and Good Friday in different ways. In Goblin Market she uses religious imagery to show Laura’s downfall, Lizzie as a Christ figure and how the goblins resemble the Garden of Eden. Whereas, in Good Friday Rossetti uses religious imagery to show how she struggles to lament Jesus’ death on the crucifix.

Throughout the poem of Goblin Market, Rossetti shows Lizzie to be a Christ-like figure, she does this in many ways. Rossetti shows Lizzie to represent light “Like a beacon left alone.” This is symbolic of light because light guides and assists people in times of darkness, which is what Jesus does, and so does Lizzie when she tries to help Laura. As well as this one of Jesus’ teachings is referred to “must your light like mine be hidden”, which refers back to the beacon 5 stanzas before. As well as this when Lizzie comes back from sacrificing herself to the goblins she tells Laura to “hug me, kiss me” which echoes Jesus’ words at the last supper before he is crucified. When Laura is eating the fruits for the second time to save herself …show more content…

This gives a sign that Laura would be punished for her actions because she has committed some of the 7 deadly sins. However, in Good Friday Rossetti imagines herself standing “beneath Thy cross” and she wonders how she is able to “number drop by drop Thy Blood’s slow loss and yet not weep”. The description of the blood dripping down Jesus’ body slowly, indicates the pain of the crucifixion, and Rossetti wonders why she cannot weep. This wondering comes from understanding how horrible the punishment is, along with knowing the Jesus was innocent, but died for everyone’s sins, including

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