How Does Rock Climbing Affect The Body

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Rock climbing dates back to around the 19th century. It was been consider by many as a sport that has no bound meaning anyone can do it. It can be done almost anywhere as long as it's done right and with the right equipment. There are benefits and concerns to it from helping the body to also hurting the body and having long lasting effects good and bad.
There are many benefits to rock climbing. It can help with the body and the mind as well as socially. Physically it helps strengthen the body's muscles since there is a lot of physical power needed to pull up and hold the body. Rock climbing is considered a total body workout since all the body is needed. Climbing helps strengthen the whole body and keep the blood flowing through out the body. …show more content…

There are many ways to climb up a rock wall or mountain side, it's similar to a puzzle you have to figure out the next best placement of your hands and feet. Many people just climb and choice their placement while climbing but with more practice and experience a path will open up to follow even before the climb. Climbing can help relieve stress since the focus should be on climbing and not on other things that could cause the loss of focus. Climbers can see their true ability and limit when climbing.
Socially can help with communication and listening as well as trust and more. Climbing should never be done alone even though it is done alone. It builds up trust between the climber and the person holding the rope below. Communication is crucial so that no one gets hurt while climbing it helps with the commands that the climber asks. Speaking load and clearly will also help the communication especially in life threatening

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