How Does Priestley Present Eva Smith In An Inspector Calls

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Priestly presents Eva Smith as a character that has been exploited because of her class, gender, and age. The play starts off with the Birling family having a dinner party to celebrate their daughter’s engagement. It is set in 1912 at the Birling household which gives us a good impression of their wealth; “a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer”. They also have a “parlour maid” who sets the table with, “dessert plates and champagne glasses” and “decanter of port, cigar cigarettes. Port glasses are already on the table". This shows the wealth of the Birlings and how they are the upper middle class, the mood is casual but then an inspector calls and the mood changes to tense. The inspector talks about how each of them played a part in Eva Smiths …show more content…

Eric and Gerald both had affairs with her, and though Gerald cared for her, Eric’s relationship with her was more aggravated and required him to steal money for her. If Eva/Daisy is a real person as the phone call at the end of the book suggests, then the family’s guilt might tie them together. Priestley shows how selfish and horrible or jealous behaviour can ruin people’s lives. He uses the play to show the audience/reader how we must change and adapt, he tries to show us how we must all care for one another. Priestly shows Eva as a character that has worked and tried to live a good life but has been tossed around by people who are better than her because of their class/gender/age. Inspector Goole shows the Birlings or the reader should act and how “We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.” Priestly uses inspector Goole to show us how if we do not learn to care for each other “And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish”. Priestly try’s to show us how to act so another World War does not happen and we will have

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