How Does Priestley Create Tension In An Inspector Calls

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This extract comes at the end of act one, after Sheila confesses to her role in Daisy Renton’s sacking from Milwards. In this extract it appears the focus of the inspectors inquiry is moving towards Gerald. In the beginning of the extract Priestley creates tension through the persistent questioning by Sheila of Gerald and Gerald’s repeated denial of his knowledge of her even when it is obvious that he had had contact with Daisy. As the extract progresses tension is built due to Gerald confession to knowing daisy but his unwillingness to convey any further information and Sheila’s blunt refusal to comply to this lack of information. Lastly at the end of the passage tension is shown through Gerald’s apprehensive attitude to sharing this information …show more content…

In the beginning of the extract, Priestley uses the unrelenting questioning of Gerald by Sheila and his repeated avoidance of the obvious truth to create tension between the characters. Priestley begins the extract by referring to the seemingly omniscient inspector, ‘the inspector looks from Sheila to Gerald’ by using the stage directions to show the interactions of the characters it suggests that the inspector has prefigures conflict or tension that will arise in the near future. Priestley continues to use the body language of the characters to display the uneasy atmosphere between Sheila and Gerald, ‘Gerald: trying to smile’ Gerald is revealed as uncomfortable and on edge however is trying to cover up this which suggests that it is something he is ashamed of, this create suspense as the audience is compelled to know this information. Priestley uses the from of dialogue to put pressure of the situation.’ How did you come to know this girl-Eva smith’ Priestley mimics the style of the inspector in Sheila’s …show more content…

Priestley uses a change in toe and power in Gerald’s dialogue to show his discomfort in the situation of confession, ‘all right. I knew her. Lets leave it at that.’ These short, single syllable words and sentences show Gerald’s agitation and build suspense in the scene, the impact of the short sentences also provides a sense of impatience and irritation. ‘We can’t leave it at that’ Sheila’s blunt refusal increases the tension and conflict between the characters because she is mocking Gerald, her superior, this is key as it is shown that Gerald and the young capitalists of this era a ignorant in their ways and their supposedly superior views actually represent stupidity, power cannot protect from the source of truth. The imbalance and changing positions of power in the novel create a source of conflict and suspense ‘now listen darling’ Gerald’s warm tone shows he is uncomfortable with this power swap, as Sheila is now the person acting with the most authority, his attempt to exercise his power to regain control of the situation furthers this and tension is formed due to the apart discomfort and conflict in this situation. Sheila’s relentless bombardment of questions acts as a build in tension, ‘ but you knew her very well, when did you first get to know her’ her

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