How Does Police Training Affect Victim Blaming?

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Police Training
Research conducted by Parratt and Pina (2017) found that training that influenced officers’ beliefs regarding rape had mixed results. This included an increased likelihood of including victim advocates when taking rape complaints, and advanced interview skills. However, although the training influenced behavior it did not alter officer’s attitudes and had no influence on victim blaming. This is significant to note for the You Have Options program as the focus is not on blaming the victim or what they did wrong. The focus is on what the offender did. This myth decreases the perception that the victim deserves help by blaming them for the rape. This research helps understand that training can have some impact on law enforcement behavior during the …show more content…

al. (2014) noted that law enforcement agencies should fully educate officers about the widespread crime of rape by providing training about its incidence and prevalence, highlight the low estimate of false rape claims, and work to develop a culture of sensitivity toward rape victims. Sensitivity toward rape victims could impact outcomes as according to Venema (2014) “factors that influence police officer definitions of sexual assault may affect police perceptions of victim credibility.” As, “analyzed sexual assault cases that were closed or withdrawn found that historically pervasive attitudes of mistrust in women’s testimony continues to be evident” (p. 876). The lack of sensitivity some argue may come from an organizational culture rather than police officer’s attitudes. It can also impact evidence collection in a sexual assault case. Research by Menaker, Campbell, & Wells (2017) noted that investigators perceptions of a sexual assault forensic kit depended on the victim’s credibility. Menaker, Campbell, & Wells (2017) recommended additional research on police discretion in evaluating victim credibility could inform efforts to develop training for victim

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