How Does Poe Create Suspense

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Literary elements are used in stories to make it more fascinating. Edgar Allen Poe uses four of the literary elements in his stories and poems to create the feeling of suspense. These elements are mood, tone, style, and characterization. Poe uses literary elements to express suspense in his stories to keep readers on the edge of their seat.
Poe uses mood to create suspense in the story “The Tell Tale Heart”. Poe creates a strange and creepy mood by telling the reader about the eye of the man that he murdered to get rid of his eye. “His eye was like the eye of a vulture, the eye of one of those terrible birds that watch and wait for while an animal dies, then fall upon the dead body and pull it to pieces to eat it” (Poe 64). Poe wanted to get rid of the man’s eye forever. The narrator felt the only way to do that was to kill the man. The narrator ends up confessing what he has done to the police because he claims he can hear the heartbeat of the man that he killed. The way that Poe writes about about the man’s eye and the detail that he uses creates the mood of the story “The Tell Tale Heart” helps create suspense.
Poe uses Tone to create suspense in the poem “Alone”. The poem “Alone” gives the reader a tone or …show more content…

This story is about an anonymous narrator that does not give any thought to animals. Then he gets a cat that he just gets annoyed with the cat's presence so he ends up hanging the cat. Another cat comes along that gets scared of him so he goes to kill it but his wife stops him, so he kills his wife. When he hides the body the cat gets stuck with it in the wall and the narrator gets caught. Poe uses long words to create style in his story. An example of this is when he says “The image of a hideous - of a ghastly thing - of the Gallows!” (10). By using these words he uses the style that creates the suspense that keeps the reader's reading. Suspense is created by style in the story “The Black

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