How Does Pearl Keep Pearl

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Family stick’s together through the good times and especially, during the worst times. Although Pearl does not seem to be behaving properly, maybe there are some other women who can nurture her with more stringency and teach her to be more self-restraint, but taking child from her own mother would not be fair and respectable for human being. Hester should keep Pearl because they both are connected to one another; Pearl has everything she needs as a child; and they only have themselves to each other. They both are connected to one another. Not only like a mother and a daughter, but actually the mother, as a sinner, and the daughter, as the result of the sin. In that way, Pearl has the same wild nature that her mother had before her birth. But that motherhood had begun to soften it away from Hester. In the book the author stated “Hester could only account for the child’s character—and even then, most vaguely and imperfectly—by recalling what she herself had been, during that momentous period while Pearl was imbibing her soul from the …show more content…

Hester is doing her best to provide not only necessaries, but even wealth to her kid. She grants to her a lot of beautiful clothes made by herself. In the book the author stated “But little Pearl was not clad in rustic weeds. Her mother, with a morbid purpose that may be better understood hereafter, had bought the richest tissues that could be procured, and allowed her imaginative faculty its full play in the arrangement and decoration of the dresses which the child wore, before the public eye.” (Hawthorne 74) Likewise about the livery, Hester also takes care of Pearl’s mental growth. Hester aims to physically handle her daughter as well as to any other kind of discipline. She is looking after her very remarkably and with certain caution and firm control over the soul of her little moppet. Wherefore, the second reason why they should stay together is Hester’s perfectly

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