How Does Newspek Use Language In 1984

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k in Oceania
We in a current society should take advantage of the massive amount of words we have to express ourselves. I believe that Ingsoc used Newspeak to strip the the ability to express oneself from the citizens of Oceania. They restricted the ideas and beliefs to those of the Party.

Newspeak's main rule commands that with the the limits of common vocabulary, it follows that "what cannot be said, then cannot be thought." It's aim is to have full control of the citizens through language. One of the Newspeak engineers says, "we're cutting the language down to the bone.. Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year." It is the perfect idea for a government fully controlled by Ingsoc. The people …show more content…

Oceania is in a constant state of war, and part of the Party's ongoing struggle is to keep the public satisfied with this warfare. The Party therefore must distract the focus from the atrocious & horrific sides of the war. They use media to complete this task. For example, the media never reports on the "twenty or thirty rocket bombs a week falling on London." Instead, they focus on the victories. What makes it even more disturbing, we have recently had a rapid growth in business based mainly on the change of language and the way we think about it, advertising. Yes, people are actually getting paid to watch what certain things we like on social media or what are our certain influences. In a positive way, language can expand our knowledge and understanding of the world. But if used in an evil and malicious political way, it can dramatically affect human thought. Newspeak is apart of a psychological plot to destroy and mentally rebuild citizens minds to keep them stable. Along with the Two Minutes of Hate and double-think. Newspeak's grammar is set up to where any word can be any part of speech. The A vocabulary has normal everyday words and phrases. The B vocabulary

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