How Does Mythology Affect Video Games

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There are many different examples of mythology affecting video games some big and some small. The first example is Turok, a game which is affected by Native American mythology. Turok is a six game series that is based on Native American Myths almost entirely. It shows us the myths of the Native Americans in fun and interactive ways. It shows mythology as an influence on games because the game became popular causing it to release six other titles in the series. Turok shows us a Native American time traveler attempting to save the Earth from characters of Native American mythology. This game shows the players Native American myths Another example, and most probably the biggest one, is God of War. God of War is a game that mythology has influenced it so much that it does not appear in references and allusions but the entire game is Greek Mythology. God of War shows Kratos, the son of Zeus and the God of War fighting all of the enemies from ancient mythology. God of War quickly became an extremely popular game, due to its great and immense story, and its characters. This game showed people elements of Greek Mythology through a fun and interactive way that showed people the culture of Greek Mythology through Video Games. Another example is the game Ragnarok, which is like God …show more content…

Perry explains that the authors who are science fiction, horror and fantasy writers explain the impact of these fields in the current development of video games. They are many times that game producers are influenced by mythology while making their games. Mythology is becoming a big factor in making good video games. The trends suggest that the future success of video games will be determined more by the type of stories and details present in the video games than by the graphics or other factors that were believed to be more important than the myths present in these stories. So if these games use interesting and mythological stories that affect it the game has a chance of selling

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