How Does Mr Bennet Affect Society

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After his wife has declared that the new man shall be “a fine thing for … [their] girls” , Mr. Bennet replies, “How so? How can it affect them?”. Although Mr. Bennet seems for a moment to be less set on the idea of marrying off his daughters, Mrs. Bennet believes that he “must know that … [she is] thinking of his marrying one of them.” The way in which Mrs. Bennet simply expects her daughters to marry this man shows a systematic and societal disregard for choice and women’s rights. Even more startling is the fact that Mrs. Bennet considers the prospect of marriage so obvious that her husband must know what she is planning. Austen clearly acknowledges how widespread the ideas are, which still making it clear that they are to be questioned, as Mr. Bennet did. Mr. Bennet, soon after acting as a critique on expectations, becomes a foil for the power held by his wife. When the idea of visiting wealthy, single men is broached, Mr. Bennet declares that the ladies “will not visit them” . The women in the Bennet family, and society as a whole are literally powerless to make their own choices or attempt to make their own matches since this must be done by their husband or father. …show more content…

Bennet as a criticism of

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