How Does Maya Angelou Use Similes In As I Rise

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In Maya Angelou’s poem, As I Rise, she utilizes multiple forms of literary devices, two of these include similes and stanzas. Throughout the poem Angelou uses similes to convey her message to the people that read her works. One simile that can be found is, “Just like moons and like suns, / With the certainty of tides, / Just like hopes springing high, / Still I’ll rise”(Angelou, “Still I Rise” 9-12). Angelou is comparing the consistency and stability that she rises as a woman and person to the moon, sun, and tides. We can consistently rely on the sun and moon rising respectively in the morning and at dusk, just as we can rely on her to rise with just as much consistency and persistence. The stanzas in this poem are used to separate ideas and

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