How Does Macbeth Obtain Power Over Others

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In the play “ The Tragedy of Macbeth,” by William Shakespeare. We see how the desire of power and influence causes multiple deaths of innocent people. Macbeth struggles to gain power over others because he always has doubts about what the right thing to do. He has to be pushed and told what his future will look like to gain power over others. Macbeth seeks to gain power by killing the king, listening to the 3 witches predictions , and getting rid of anyone who is in his way. This actions cause Macbeth to gain power throughout the play until his death. Macbeth lives in a time era were moving up or becoming greater than what you you're born into is not allowed or believe to be possible. But that is not stopping Macbeth, he believes he can be king because of the witches predictions. Macbeth believes he will be king and to reach is goal he must kill king Duncan to obtain power. While king Duncan sleeps in Macbeth castal, Macbeth kills duncan. “I have done the deed. Didst thou …show more content…

Macbeth has let himself believe and go with the witches predictions. Macbeth see this as his way to power. Macbeth seeks power by following everything the witches tell him. He lives his life by what he is told, this also lead to his great power gain and death. Macbeth has always struggled with his wife doubting him about his manhood that why he seeks power to show that he is great. Macbeth gains power over everyone because he always does what he is told. “Say if th´ hadst rather hear it from our mouths, or from our master.” (Act 4 scene\ 1) As king Macbeth has a lot to fear because he might be killed. But finds peace the second time when he goes to talk to the witches. They inform him that he will not be killed unless the forest moves and someone not born from a woman naturally. This cause macbeth peace and more confident to gain power. He is able to gain more power because knows that won't

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