How Does Lee Show Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In Harper Lee’s, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, it is evidently shown that good and evil coexists, nevertheless courage, or lack of courage helps distinguish the good and evil. Initially, in order to depict this idea of good through courage, the author helped the reader realize this through having the characters go against the status quo, doing good actions that would still put forth disdain, and to treat others right even when others believe it to be wrong, these actions all take immense courage and point straight to the direction of good which is what the author is targeting for its audience to catch. During the story Atticus was given the unpleasant job as the lawyer for Tom Robinson, the African American male who was conceived to have raped …show more content…

To go against the status quo at this time was very difficult and to show the good throughout all the evil courage was needed. Without the courage the message of good would have never existed alongside the evil. Just like how earlier in the story, Jem invite Walter Cunningham over for dinner. During this dinner, Scout was being every disrespectful towards Walter and that forced their maid, Calpurnia, to courageously takes Scout out, by the arm, and tells her that when someone is at her house they are “[her] yo’ comp’ny” and that she will be punished if she tries to act all “high and mighty” (Lee, 7) . This portion by the author was trying to help show that good and evil does coexist and to be the good, like Calpurnia, there needs to be some sort of courage shown in effect to do good actions. The final example of this notion is coming from when Jem and Scout, the kids of Atticus, ask him why he takes on a case where he is fighting for the side that is not popular but right and he blatantly says that there would be no way he could “represent [his] this county in its

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