How Does Koja Show Individuality In Buddha Boy

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Individuality is a very important theme from Kathe Koja’s novel Buddha Boy. The characters stand out in their own way. For example, Jinsen. When he first came to Edward Rucher High School, everyone thought he was a freak. Now Jinsen is very well respected by the other students;all because he didn’t change to impress anyone. Jinsen was not your average teen. He wore baggy tie-dyed T-shirts with dragons on them, and has a shaved head. That’s not something you come across very often. But Jinsen’s shaved head and baggy tie-dyed T-shirts, are what made Jinsen, Jinsen. Those little things are what made him stand out in a crowd, they are what gave him his individuality. Not a lot of teens have the courage to show Individuality.

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