How Does Jay Gatsby Admirable

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Wanting respect and approval is what all people want in life; however, it is normally in the back of our minds. Although there are some people in the world that being admirable is the only thing that they set as their goal. For Mr. Jay Gatsby, a character in, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, all he has done in his past five years of his life he has been building his life up from the bottom to the richest he would ever be. All he ever wanted to do was to impress the girl of his dreams, Mrs. Daisy Buchanan. Daisy was once a lover of Gatsby, they were young in love until Gatsby had to go and fight in the war. That took years of his life and Daisy had not received a letter back from Gatsby until her wedding day with Mr. Tom Buchanan. Tom had forced Daisy into their marriage not caring if she had feelings for other people. Ever since Gatsby returned from the war he had been …show more content…

After five years of not being together, Gatsby was able to finally invite Daisy back into his life through Nick, Gatsby’s neighbor and Daisy’s cousin. Fitzgerald includes Gatsby throughout the book in the ways that he has to show how Gatsby wants to be an admirable character to win Daisy’s approval. Throughout the entirety of this book one of the main points that are to be made across is Gatsby is trying to reignite the love between Daisy and himself. Ever since Gatsby returned from the war he had started to gain his own riches and gain worthy from his past lover Daisy. Starting out on his trek to win back Daisy, Fitzgerald writes “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (Fitzgerald 78). By buying the house right across from

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